SDDC Day 6 & Rat Adventure Time!

It is day 6 and today I drew a favorite ‘ol rodent of mine. It’s part of a project I’ve shelved for far too long, originally a comic about a small mouse having to take on a world of baddies. Today’s song is [eterna forest] Lofi by Toast.

Day 6 of 66. Song inspiration:
[ e t e r n a f o r e s t ] lofi by toast

I did try to start this project a year or two back but I just wasn’t feeling it so I dropped it and now I’m looking at old sketches and instead of making a comic I had the idea of making a short game in Unity for it. Immediately fireworks happened and now I’m sketching out ideas and such.

Already sketching out levels, someones excited.

Always an exciting time when you have plenty of ideas. The hard part comes next though; keeping up with the ideas and pushing through all the work. So we’ll see if this is something I really want to do.

Anyhow that was todays daily drawing, and I’ll see you peeps next time!

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  1. […] the blogging world, so I haven’t had the chance to discover many blogs yet. So I nominate Arcanus Cella and Simple 0 […]

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