Welp. Back on here boi

My most recent drawing, a DTIYS of MayaDraws' character.
My most recent drawing. A Dtiys of ManyaDraws‘ character.

Sooo… After making a couple of posts on here I kind of immediately bought a domain and a bluehost package to have a .org wordpress website and now that that’s expired I’ve come crawling back to this free account. I’ve decided that as far as blogs go I don’t need very many bells and whistles as long as I can post with some pictures I’ll be fine.

My productivity comes in waves and I feel like I’ve just come out of a slump. I was making tiktok videos and instagram reels featuring my art but now that I’ve started leaning towards doing digital art, it seems a bit awkward for me to make videos featuring screens. It’s just not as magical for me. So I bought some watercolor paper to get back to doing traditional work that I can easily record some reels for and have more traditional stuff to include in future sketchbook compilations. Speaking of which…

A screenshot of my sketchbook compilation in progress.
Screenshot of me working on my sketchbook compilation.

Thanks to the encouragement of a dear high school friend, I’ve started working on a sketchbook collection that I want to sell. I had already made one about a year or two ago but life started ramping up and I began working my current job as a graphic designer. Fast forward to now and looking at the book itself, I am kind of embarrassed at the quality of the book. So I started over and I’m about to finish the first draft!

Raspberry Pi logo next to the Pico-8 Logo.
I’ve always wanted to have a pico machine and now I will hue hue.

Lastly, the latest toy I bought myself (after trying to talk myself out of it), is a Raspberry Pi 4! I wanted to play some of my favorite retro games without having to plug in my old consoles as well as playing and developing on the Pico8 engine. But I’m still waiting on the package so not much else to say on this matter.

I believe that’s it for this update, I’ll be seeing you the next time! I have a lot of projects coming up (maybe too many) but I will surely be enjoying working on them. So until next time!

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