Devlog 2 , couch platformer, distractions

Currently I’m using my desktop as the place that I am developing the game, I tried installing gms2 on my Surface Go but after a bit of time using it I am not so sure I like it on this device.

I didn’t get much done recently but I managed to get a bit more acquainted with the layer system in game maker studio 2 for rooms. Honestly the last time I touched the backgrounds tab I was probably half my age, I kinda knew what they were like but I never really pushed a game project to the point where I would place backgrounds.

Simple backgrounds always pull through for me-

Basically I just added some backgrounds, placeholders.

I wasn’t too sure I would be able to figure out the stomping but I kinda got it-

And also added basic enemy stomping. Nothing crazy but its an okay template to make the other enemies from.

Somewhere along the line working on the game, I wanted to take a quick break, and suddenly I’ve spent a couple hours on a completely different project… dunno what to say it’s apparently extremely difficult for me to stay focused on a long term project. I need to make sure I don’t go chasing rabbit holes in unrelated stuff or I will eventually lose focus on this project.

Anybut next thing on my todo list for this is creating a simple pickup object fulfilling the role of essentially coins or rings. As well as a counter for it and lives.

It’s probably gonna be this lil fruit-

So until next time!

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