I have been using a wordpress.com blog for some time now and I almost forgot just how limited a lot of the features are compared to the .org counterpart.
One of the main things that I missed was just how customizable your website can be. Immediately found out just how much more customizable it can be with the current theme I have installed. I just loved changing up the theme a lot like rearranging my furniture and with the .com version, it was tough with the limited free options.
I’ll miss the jetpack reader tho-
it is quite nice to be looking through the giant amount of blogs to peruse and being able to use that community to get some traffic coming and going but it’s not something I ever really leveraged. So off I go making another blog arguably deeper in the net.
…its late
Thoughts are hard right now at 4am. I’ll have a more robust post later during the day about my plans for this blog. Mostly spilling my thoughts and posting devlogs of my game projects.