welp buddies its time to truly decide what project i want to sink my life into for the next couple of months to possibly a year.
in accordance with the rule i’ve imposed on myself to truly focus only on one gamedev project. ive combined/stripped various projects and now theyve become chimera projects and the universe demands i pick one to focus on.
its clear to me that if a solo gamedev with the mental disposition like mine wants to actually finish sh-tuff, consistency (DAILY work) & Limitations (deadlines) are the keys to finish.
anyway here’s what we got to pick in the VR pile (% of game made)
- walking simulator short story (8%)
- tiny metroidvania (10%)
- maid fps shmup with Touhou color shield mechanic (9%)
- Revamped Adventure* game (3%)
flatscreen games
- Beetle Bro game (20%)
- Magical Girl collectathon (9%)
- Zelda 1 Parody game (7%)
advice to others;
like all advice, it depends on who the receiver is right? if you’re a bespoke crafter and a career isn’t a focus for you, just keep making games at your own pace (you probably know that already).
but if you’re trying to make (a lot) of games not just a singular magnus opus (to you), here’s what i say;
pick a project and finish it. if you havent finished in a year, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to make an audit and see if this project was beyond you or completion of it is in sight.
its not that you cant…
i think we can do anything we put our minds to, if you put your sights on making a lord of the rings-esque epic rpg maker game and that’s what you like making, imo, you’re making less than a handful of games in your lifetime as a solo dev.
and for me, that’s only a few chances to get good at completing and learning to market something complicated like a video game.
but if a solo dev makes more than a few dozen small rpg maker games that focus on their strengths, i’m willing to bet that they would have more chances in life to put together a team to develop an epic-sized game/story that they wanted in the first place.
delayed gratification i suppose is my whole argument for this lmao
anybut, project im picking is…
the Revamped Adventure*. on the note of keeping the scope of the games small to finish, i want to revamp this ‘game’ and make it prettier & have more things to do.
also i want to try delving into the ‘walking simulator’ genre proper with the angle that they’re like video game novels.
but thats it for this post, until next time.