
like many of us, i have had a few phones now. and like many of us, i like using my camera when i see something that catches my eye.

and when i remember to do it, i usually like it! so here are some of my favorite photos from my time on this mudball.

i’m excited to put all these pictures & more together into a small picture book to leave at my coffee table or next to my toilet. i think that would be so cool.

just think about it, how many times in our lifetime are we going to be switching phones? i know of someone who’s forever aggravated that so many pictures of their children/grandchildren are stuck/corrupted/gone from older devices.

now, i’m no photographer, but i remember a time when i begged to have film for my mother’s old point and shoot. or more floppies for the family mavica.

needless to say, im a fan of trying to capture a moment within a still image. and the added challenge of working with whatever phone your life is on is even better